Mozilla Firefox on Metro for Windows 8 announced

Mozilla Development team has announced that they are building a completely different version of Firefox for Windows 8’s Metro interface.  Mozilla anticipated launch of first Metro version of Firefox for Windows 8 beta  in February while final version / RTM may fall between June and the End of 2012.


According to the announcement:

Mozilla Firefox on Metro will be similar to other Metro Apps – run in full mode, focused on touch interactions connected to the rest of the Metro environment through Windows 8 contracts.

Firefox on Metro will features an Appbar that would contains common navigation controls such as back, reload, etc. the Awesomebar, and some form of tabs.

Firefox On Metro will support three "snap" states — full screen, ~1/6th screen and ~5/6th screen depending on how the user "docks" two full screen apps.

In order to provide users with access to other content, other apps, and to Firefox from other content and apps, Firefox on Metro will be integrated with the share contract, the search contract, the settings contract, the app to app picking contract, the print contract, the play to contract, and possibly a couple more.

Firefox on Metro will also offer a live tile with user-centric data like friends presence or other Firefox Home information updates.

Microsoft is going to release Windows 8 Consumer Preview for public on 29th February 2012. The first version of Firefox on Metro could be release on same time or slightly later .